I've been thinking about this for the last week or two, and I've decided to run for the Fedora Board elections. I felt a bit reluctant to do this since I'm a Red Hat employee and I'd like to see more non-RHers on the Board and other committees, but in the end I decided it was the best way to move forward with my idea. Ah, yes, my idea. This will be a single-issue campaign. As I vaguely pondered back in September, I think it would be of value to Fedora to take a good look at the Fedora release process. I'd like to get elected to the Board so I can form a working group to look at the release process and various alternatives for revising it, and report back to the Board on those ideas. I think it's worth taking a close look at whether the Fedora release process, which is essentially the same process Red Hat had in 1999 - we release an operating system every six months - is the best one to aid the goals of the Fedora project as we now see them. I don't claim to have all the answers here, and I can see a scenario where I go and form the working group and we go away and look at all the angles and conclude that actually, the current process is indeed the best option. I don't think that would be a waste of time, either. But I'd certainly like to take a close look at moving to a longer and more flexible release cycle, or moving to a rolling release model, and see if those options would help us to better achieve Fedora's goals. So for now I'd like to suggest that if you agree with me, well, Vote For Me! As far as other Board business goes I've set out my stall in the nominations page, but broadly I would try to work with the other Board members to achieve consensus and will support and work to implement the Board's overall view on issues even where I may personally disagree. To put it simply, I'll try to be a 'good Board citizen' as I've always tried to be a good Fedora citizen. If anyone on the current Board, or any of the other candidates for the open positions, thinks my working group idea is a good one and would like to move forward with it themselves, that would be another good way to move forward, and I'd seriously consider dropping my Board candidacy if that's the case. So if you're that Board member / candidate, please drop me a line by IRC or email and we can discuss it. Thanks! (The hot dogs? Why, as a Board member I would of course work to forward the cause of the Glorious Hot Dog in all things.)