So it's been a long hard slog - see this mini-essay for some details - but we finally have second release candidate for the Fedora 16 Beta. (Yes, you read that right, a release candidate for a Beta: this is not mass-market stuff). If you want to help us ensure the Beta release goes out on time (well, only a week late...), you can download the candidate images and do some of the validation tests: installation, base, and desktop. The individual tests are small and mostly pretty easy to do, and you can a lot of the tests in a virtual machine or (for the desktop tests) from a live image. If all the required tests for a Beta release pass, we will give this candidate the official QA thumbs-up to go out as the Beta: if not, we'll have to get the bugs fixed and roll a third release candidate. If the test coverage is incomplete, we can't safely sign off on the release. So we really need to get all the tests done! For more details and download locations, see the announcement post. Thanks!