This week in Test Days: we'll be testing ABRT on Tuesday 2013-05-07 and SSSD improvements and Active Directory integration on Thursday 2013-05-09! ABRT is the Fedora tool for catching and reporting crashes. If you've been running Fedora 19, or you've updated with updates-testing in Fedora 18 in the last few days, you may have noticed some major changes to ABRT and libreport, including a completely new graphical tool for reporting crashes called gnome-abrt. We'll be testing out these big changes at the ABRT Test Day. ABRT gets better every Fedora release, but the more broad-based testing we get the more issues we can squish, so please, come along and help us test! The SSSD improvements and Active Directory integration Test Day will focus on Fedora 19 enhancements to our enterprise authentication tools. In particular, we'll be testing integrating Fedora 19 systems into Active Directory domains. This probably won't be of interest to some of you, but if you use or even help to admin a FreeIPA or AD shop, you might well want to come along and help check if we have things working properly for your deployment. As always, full instructions for taking part in each Test Day are available on the Wiki page, and we'll be making live images available so you can do as much of the testing as possible without needing to install a pre-release Fedora. QA and development folks will be present in the #fedora-test-day channel on Freenode IRC for discussion and any help you might need in testing. If you're not sure what IRC is or how to use it, we have instructions here, and you can also simply click here to join the chat through a Web front end. Thanks to all in advance!