That's right, we're kicking off the Fedora 22 Test Day cycle soon, with an Anaconda/DNF Test Day!

One of the planned Changes in Fedora 22 is to make DNF the default console package manager, instead of yum. As part of this, we have been converting Anaconda, the Fedora installer, to use DNF rather than yum. At present, in Fedora 22 images, anaconda will use DNF by default but the yum code is still present and switchable with a kernel parameter (inst.nodnf).

We have some concerns, though, about the extent to which this change might cause problems. The anaconda team had the idea of running an early Test Day to try and test out as much of the repository and package configuration capabilities of the installer as we can, and also to produce some kickstarts which can be used in automated regression testing.

So our plan for the day is to get folks together and just exercise the package management bits of the installer as much as we can, trying to use all the interactive paths (GUI and CLI) and test out all the various kickstart directives relating to repository and package configuration.

There are some planned tests - mostly validation tests - on the Test Day results page, but a big part of the event will be unplanned 'exploratory' testing, just trying things out, identifying issues, finding bugs, and producing kickstarts.

If you have time on Thursday, and especially if you're somewhat familiar with anaconda and kickstarts (but even if you're not!), please do join in! We will be standing by all day European and North American time in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC to help you out with testing and discuss any bugs you come across. If you don’t know how to use IRC, you can read these instructions, or just use WebIRC.