Hi again folks! Two bits of Fedora 26 news today. First off, Fedora 26 Alpha has been released! It got delayed by a couple of weeks due to rather a grab-bag of issues - mainly problems with FreeIPA and several kernel bugs - but the delays did at least mean we wound up with a really pretty solid build, according to our testing so far. Please do grab the Alpha, play around with it, and see how it works for you. Remember to read the Common Bugs page, though I'm still working on it at the moment.

Secondly, we have another Test Day coming up this Thursday, 2017-04-06! Anaconda blivet-gui Test Day will be a pretty big one. In Fedora 26, an additional partitioning interface is added to Anaconda (the Fedora installer). As well as anaconda's own custom partitioning interface, there is now a choice to run the blivet-gui partitioning tool from anaconda. This tool is built on the same backend as anaconda itself, but provides an alternative user interface. It's been available as a standalone tool since Fedora 21, but Fedora 26 is the first time it can be run from the installer to do install-time partitioning. The Test Day will be all about testing out this new feature and making sure it integrates properly with anaconda and works properly in various situations. Please do come along and help out if you have time!

The Test Day page contains all the instructions you need to run the tests and send along your results. As always, the event is in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC. If you don’t know how to use IRC, you can read these instructions, or just use WebIRC.