Yes, it's done! Mandriva 2007 was released this morning in approximately seventeen zillion different editions. Shiny AIGLX / Xgl 3D desktop goodness, the vastly improved rpmdrake, a very up-to-date environment including KDE 3.5.4, GNOME 2.16 and kernel 2.6.17, and the best part... ...absolutely no Kat. Also, in a move I think is a good one, we released the public editions at the same time as the Club editions: no more delay for the public edition. This might rankle with Club members who paid for early access to the distribution, but they still get better editions than the public download ones, and overall I think this will help to improve public interest in the release. So yes, whoever you are, you can download it now! The free to the public editions are available here, and Club members can get their editions by logging into the Club then going to the downloads page. Give it a shot, we're really proud of this release. And please read the Release Notes and the Errata, you'll be glad you did!