So the Radeon test day is happening now and has been a great success - many testers present and useful bugs filed. Dave Airlie was online earlier and should be online again in a couple of hours, so we're still rocking, but thanks to everyone who's come out so far! Also a big thanks to François Cami, who will handle triaging of the reports filed.

There is another test day tomorrow (Thursday), our regular scheduled one: this is on power management. It has been expertly organized by James Laska and the power management developers, and looks great: as with all recent test days, there's a live CD image available and a set of simple, well-defined test cases to carry out. If you're at all interested in power management - and if you own a laptop, you should be - please swing by the Test Day tomorrow (#fedora-qa in IRC, as always - see this page if you're not sure how to use IRC), and post your results to the page!