So, time for a Poulsbo update! I have updated my P to Fedora 11, and I have psb running on it. I'm using all the stuff from my F10 post, except I'm using the Mandriva dkms-psb package for the kernel module instead of my psb-kmod. I haven't actually tried using my psb-kmod package instead, yet, to see if that would make any difference - I'll try that tomorrow. There was one gotcha; this is one that caught at least one other person who contacted me out (hadess), and may have been what others who said 'it don't work!' were seeing. If X fails to start and the logs seem to show an awful lot of stuff about it trying to find an SDVO display, but precious little about LVDS, add this line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Option "IgnoreACPI" and that should shift it. (It goes in the driver section). The X logs actually give you this hint, it's just a bit buried. Alternatively, you can hook up an external display and not use your internal panel. That'd make it happy too. :) It also seems that if I boot to runlevel 3 and then do startx it hangs after displaying a pointer for a bit, which frustrated me for quite a while. Eventually I just thought 'what the hell, I'll just boot straight to runlevel 5 and see what happens' and it worked. I still intend to tidy the packages up a bit to make this easier, it's just I never seem to find the time for it! I am also indebted to Pierre-Henri Beguin for an intriguing hint. He found a repository - it's here - which is part of Moblin 2's source, it seems. Split across the psb-headers, xf86-video-psb and kernel packages is what appears to be a complete, freely-licensed Poulsbo driver. Looks can be deceptive, though - it might still require the Xpsb and psb-firmware stuff. I did try to build it, but couldn't get far; I transferred the kernel patches to a Fedora kernel .src.rpm and tried to build it, but it failed. Then I tried just running that X driver with the other psb kernel module, and that doesn't work either (falls over on DRM stuff). So that one's stuck for now. Might be interesting to those with more chops than myself, though. Mandriva users should note that Mandriva now has packages for the kernel module (dkms-psb), custom libdrm (libdrm-psb2 and libdrm-psb-devel) and the X driver (x11-driver-video-psb). I'm not sure whether these actually work, though, or if the Xpsb and firmware stuff is packaged (it may be in non-free, I didn't look yet). Those packages are available for 2009, 2009 Spring and current Cooker, according to the changelog mailing list. Olivier Blin's been building them. I'm sure he'd just love you to get in touch if you can't get them to work. ;)