Just passing along this announcement from Tim Waugh, who's done a great job organizing this event! Mandriva readers - if I still have any - in particular may want to come along to this event, as Mandriva uses system-config-printer: everything we improve through this Test Day will benefit Mandriva as well as Fedora. There will be a Printing Test Day this Thursday, 2010-03-25. Have access to a printer? Please come along and join in! This is an opportunity to try out the new automatic printer driver installation feature in Fedora 13, as well as to give the printing system a bit of an exercise. For the automatic printer driver installation to work properly we need your Device IDs! Many IDs are missing for current printers, and some existing IDs are incorrect. You can help fix this by running following the instructions in the test day page. You don't need a Rawhide installation to provide useful feedback, just a nightly live image will do. The Test Day will run all day in Freenode IRC #fedora-test-day. Tim.