It's Test Day time again. Tomorrow (Thursday 2011-04-28) we have some cool cutting-edge stuff for you: it's a cloudy Test Day, as the Cloud SIG wants some help to test their coolest new stuff coming up in Fedora 15. There's two sub-events, one for BoxGrinder and one for Fedora on Amazon EC2 (assuming it's working!) Boxgrinder aims to make it easy to create appliances (special-purpose OS installs, generally deployed on virtualized hosting services like EC2), and for Fedora 15 we have a feature for providing Boxgrinder packages to make it easy to create Fedora-based appliances. The BoxGrinder Test Day will focus on testing out these scripts and making sure the appliance creation process works as intended. EC2 is Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud, a service providing virtualized computing on a rental model, and for Fedora 15 we aim to provide polished working Fedora 15 images for use within EC2. The Test Day will focus on testing out these images and making sure they work. It's a great opportunity to check out the future today, so please come along and help us make sure Fedora 15 is fully buzzword-compliant! The event will be taking place all day in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC (or you can use WebIRC if you want to get all cloudy about it). The Cloud SIG will be there to help out with testing, as will QA's own inimitable Tim Flink. In this week's episode of Where's AdamW - well, right now I'm at my desk, eating a rather nice hunk of brie, recovering from Game 7 and getting ready for Game 1 tomorrow night (I have tickets, oh yes.) BUT, at 10:00 this Sunday - 2011-05-01 - I'll be in room DMC 130 at Bellingham Technical College, giving my talk "'It boots, ship it': Quality assurance in a fast-moving community project", the abstract for which I pulled out of my ass a couple of days ago and which I really ought to get around to writing some time before Saturday night. Mind you, I'm up against a live episode of the Linux Action Show and Larry Cafiero on user groups, so I confidently expect a turnout of zero, so maybe I'll just sleep off the inevitable (at any event attended by Jesse Keating andRobyn Bergeron) hangover and tell everyone I did a talk instead. No-one will know. This will of course be at the awesome LinuxFest NorthWest, the Pacific Northwest's premiere community Linux conference - it's totally free and registration isn't required, so if you're in the region, just roll up to Bellingham Technical College (Google will get you there) this Saturday or Sunday and join us, it's a fun event and there's always interesting people there. There will be a Fedora booth where we'll be presenting Fedora 15 with GNOME 3 (while wearing full-body asbestos suits, naturally), so come along, it'll be fun times.