We've had a few false starts, but the Fedora 18 Test Day cycle kicks off in earnest tomorrow with two events: the OpenStack Test Day and the internationalization (i18n) Test Day. OpenStack is one of the leading F/OSS cloud implementations and has been getting a lot of attention both within Fedora and in the wider world lately, so you might find it fun, interesting and/or useful to come along and take part - you can get some experience with OpenStack and help test its Fedora implementation at the same time. We've been running internationalization/localization (i18n/l10n) test events for Fedora for a few releases now and they've proven useful in making sure our releases provide a smooth experience for everyone (not just English speakers), so if you can, come and help with that too - help from those whose native language is something other than English is especially welcome! The i18n Test Day is in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC as usual, but please note that the OpenStack Test Day is in #fedora-openstack. If you come to the wrong place we'll redirect you. If you're not a regular IRC user, read these instructions or just click on this WebIRC link for the i18n event or this WebIRC link for the OpenStack event. Please come out if you have the chance! Thanks folks.