As we work towards releasing the Fedora 19 Alpha (due in a couple of weeks), the Fedora 19 Test Days continue apace. Next up, tomorrow - 2013-04-04 - is printing Test Day. The goal is to check that the printing stack and user-facing tools are all in good working order for Fedora 19. Printing is something most of us still have to do from time to time, and it's easy to test from a live image, so this is an ideal Test Day for most anyone to get involved in - the testing is easy and there's no need to risk any permanent changes to your system. If all you have time to do is boot up a live image and test if your printer works, that's great! So please, check out the instructions on the Wiki page and help out tomorrow if you have a bit of spare time. You can join us in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC to get help or discuss any problems you find. If you’re not sure how to use IRC, we have some instructions here, or you can just click here to join through a Web front end.