I'm writing from LinuxFest Northwest once more - right now I'm watching Jesse Keating present on git. The conference is really buzzing so far this year; I've been spending most of my time manning the Fedora booth, and the swag is disappearing like crazy and we've had people stacked three deep at times. It's always a good conference. Come find me and say hi if you're here! I'll be at the Fedora booth a lot both today and tomorrow. We have been signing people up for OpenShift accounts at a rapid pace: if you stop by and prove you have an OpenShift account, we'll give you a USB key that is ALSO a bottle opener. Or possibly a bottle opener that is ALSO a USB key. At least until we run out, which is likely to be soon. Of course, being at LFNW means yesterday I travelled to LFNW - it's just a train ride down from Vancouver. Being a giant idiot, I decided that 'five hours before the train to LFNW leaves' would be a great time to upgrade the CPU and memory in my husband's system. Yeah...turns out, not so much. Windows managed once more to stun me with its incompetence: after an hour of hardware wrangling I had everything hooked up and booting, but Windows was just stuck in a boot loop. It turns out that for some insane reason, a Windows install is kind of tied to the CPU: if you upgrade the CPU to one that's sufficiently different (though still the same architecture!), Windows stops booting. I mean....why. WHY?! It is apparently possible to escape from this situation, but it was now 30 minutes before the train to LFNW left, so I thought it was possibly not the best moment to be figuring out Windows' system recovery options. So followed a very hasty 30 minutes of further hardware wrangling, getting the old CPU and RAM back in. So I wasted an entire stressful afternoon to ultimately put everything back exactly the way it was before and rush to catch my train. D'oh.