As I promised last week, here's another post about Graphics Test Week. We have the wiki pages and test result pages in place now, so everything's nearly ready to go - I'm just tuning the special Test Day live images at present. We'll be kicking off tomorrow, Tuesday 2013-10-22, with Intel graphics Test Day, then following up with Radeon Test Day on Wednesday 2013-10-23, Nouveau Test Day on Thursday 2013-10-24, and finally, if we get it together in time, Wayland Test Day on Friday 2013-10-25! As always, we're working to make testing as easy as possible. All the information is there on the Wiki pages, and we'll be providing special Test Day live images which contain all the necessary tools and even help you open the Test Day wiki page and join the chatroom right when you boot up. Reporting results should be easier than ever now we're using a special webapp for it instead of asking you to edit the Wiki pages themselves! So just visit the Test Day page of your choice and follow the instructions, and join us in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC to discuss bugs or get help with testing. If you don't know how to use IRC, read these instructions, or just use WebIRC. Almost everyone has an Intel, AMD or NVIDIA graphics adapter in at least one of their systems, and you'll be able to do all the tests from the special live image, so there's no need to install Fedora. So really, you've no excuse not to join in and help us! Please do!