Fedora 21 will be released tomorrow - warm up your downloader! You can read all about what's coming in the release announcement, and you'll be able to grab it from the brand new download page. Overall, I'm pretty impressed with what all the great Fedora contributors have managed to pull off for the Fedora 21 release. The new site is great, the Product split has been implemented pretty well, the new bits in Cloud and Server products are really cool (especially Cockpit!), and the Workstation release should be the best GNOME 3 distribution yet.

But all that's old hat, now - we signed off on it on Thursday, and I mean, it's been like four whole days since then. So we in Fedora QA, being the cutting-edge folks we are, are already moving on to Fedora 22 planning - and, yes, testing.

We had the first QA meeting of the Fedora 22 cycle today, and did some really good planning for improvements to our process. I hunkered down and did some work on the mediawiki template magic and on wikitcms and relval. And now we have...the first Fedora 22 validation testing!

There's a few more little bits to write, but throughout Fedora 22, every few days a new nightly compose will be 'nominated for testing' and we'll have results pages available. The testcase-stats page for Fedora 22 will shortly be live, and it'll give us a nice overview of what we've covered in Fedora 22 testing so far.

The goal here is to try and provide earlier testing to the development teams, and particularly the Anaconda team. We're also looking at ways to streamline the release blocker process, so that ultimately blocker bugs will be found, reported, nominated and reviewed as early as possible, to give developers more time to fix them. We already have (as I write this) three proposed blockers for Fedora 22 Alpha.

Roshi and pschindl will be working to co-ordinate the Test Days for the Fedora 22 cycle, so look out for a call for Test Days soonish.

Of course, there's still testing to be done on Fedora 21 (and Fedora 20 and, for the next month, Fedora 19) - we won't be neglecting work on reviewing test updates, and the more people helping out with that, the better!

Onwards and upwards, to ever newer and more exciting bugs...