Ahoy, Fedora testers: this week is one of our regular 'test weeks' with multiple related test days. This week will see the localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n) Test Days for Fedora 22. The always-awesome l10n and i18n teams have been organizing these as usual so I haven't been too involved, but they're looking to be along the same lines as usual. If you're a Fedora user whose native language is something other than English, it'd be great if you could come along to one or both Test Days and help out!

Experienced folks will be around to help in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC, and you'll be able to do all or most of the testing with a Fedora 22 live image, no need to install it permanently. If you don’t know how to use IRC, you can read these instructions, or just use WebIRC.