Hi folks! So the Fedora 23 Test Day schedule is swinging into gear next week, with the l10n Test Day. l10n is localization: for the test day, the goal is to check the 'availability and accuracy' of translations for several of Fedora's major desktop applications. If you're proficient in any language besides English, it would be really helpful if you could drop by and help us check folks can use Fedora in your language.

There will be a Test Day live image available, so all you'll need to do is download that, boot it up, run the specified applications and provide some feedback on the translations. There are full instructions on the wiki page and it doesn't require any special knowledge or too much time, so it's a great way to get started helping out!

After the l10n event will come NetworkManager Test Day on 2015-08-20. This is one of the events that has run regularly for many cycles, and this time around we'll be doing a general run through of all NetworkManager functionality to try and catch any lurking bugs.

Related to the l10n event will be the i18n Test Day that will come on 2015-09-01, which looks at underlying mechanisms like input methods, font rendering, and printing, so look out for that one too!

As always for Test Days, the live action is in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC. If you don’t know how to use IRC, you can read these instructions, or just use WebIRC.