Input method Test Day today

Sorry again for the short notice, but it's Test Day time once more. Today - this very day, 2011-09-22! - is Fedora 16 input method test day. We'll be focusing on the new input method features in Fedora 16, including the ibus extension for GNOME Shell. If your language uses a special input method in Fedora, please come along to the Test Day and help us ensure it'll work smoothly in Fedora 16.

You can join #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC to chat with developers and QA team members to get help with the testing and any issues you encounter, or you can just follow the instructions on the Wiki page and file your results there. If you're not familiar with using IRC, you can join in with WebIRC. The testing is easy and can be done with a live image, so there's no need to install Fedora 16. Thanks for helping!


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