Upcoming Test Days, and Fedora 20 status

If anyone's noticed I haven't been around as much lately - I'm in Europe visiting family and friends (and, later this week, the Brno office!) If anything I'm busier than usual, but there's a lot of dealing with personal administrivia and seeing people, so I'm not getting as much work done as usual. (Plus my internet connections here are much slower and I'm on my laptop instead of my usual mission control, which makes me a lot less efficient). Normal service should be resumed around Oct 19th, please do not adjust your sets!

We have a couple of Test Days coming up this week: tomorrow (Tuesday 2013-10-08) is Virtualization Test Day, checking out all the latest features of virtualization for Fedora 20, and Thursday 2013-10-10 is GNOME 3.10 Test Day - there are lots of new features in GNOME 3.10 and you might even be able to give it a spin on Wayland, so please do come along if you can make it! As always, the Test Day pages are full of all the information you need to take part, and there will be QA folks and developers in the #fedora-test-day IRC channel to help out.

Fedora 20 is working its way fairly smoothly along the schedule, with some exciting changes - GNOME 3.10 is a pretty big release (as noted above), and the changes to the status of ARM and cloud are great steps in the right direction (and quite...interesting from a QA perspective). The first test compose for the Beta hit last week, and we'll be doing the second soon. The ARM and cloud changes worked out quite smoothly for Alpha, and we're hoping they'll continue that way for Beta and final. Both were actually pretty good for the last few Fedora releases, but the fact that they were 'secondary' in terms of placement and promotion did mean the press and users didn't take them as seriously, I think, so it'll be interesting to see how things work out this time.


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