Fedora 19 NetworkManager Test Day tomorrow (2013-06-04)!

We're in the final stretch of Fedora 19 Test Days now: this week marks the last two scheduled for the cycle. First up, tomorrow - Tuesday 2013-06-04 - is NetworkManager Test Day. As usual, we'll be checking NetworkManager is performing correctly across as many configurations as possible, and also checking out some advanced features like IPv6 support, channel bonding, and wifi hotspot functionality.

As always, full testing instructions and a live image for testing if you do not want to install Fedora 19 are available on the Test Day wiki page, and there will be developers and QA folks in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC for discussion and any help you need in testing or debugging. If you're not sure what IRC is or how to use it, we have instructions here, and you can also simply click here to join the chat through a Web front end.

(And no, I didn't forget about the debugging quiz - answer coming soon :>)


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