Virtualization Test Day 2010-09-23

It's Test Day time once more! Tomorrow, 2010-09-23, will be Virtualization Test Day. Of course, virtualization is popular with many Fedora users and a key area of Fedora development, so this is another important test event. Since this is about testing Fedora 14 as a virtualization host, you will need a copy of Fedora 14 installed on a real system to test. There's full instructions for testing on the Wiki page. If you can't make it tomorrow, your results will still be very useful if you post them before or after the event. As usual, the test day will run all day in the #fedora-test-day channel on Freenode IRC. I'll be travelling (and recovering from FUDCon and the Beta squeeze) so I probably won't be around, but the ever-capable virtualization developer Justin Forbes (jforbes) will be acting as your host! If you can spare a bit of time and some disk space, please do come out to the test day and help us to knock virtualization into shape for Fedora 14!

I will post a report on FUDCon Zurich soon, but right now it's full steam ahead on Fedora 14 Beta validation!


[...] Virtualization Test Day 2010-09-23 It’s Test Day time once more! Tomorrow, 2010-09-23, will be Virtualization Test Day. Of course, virtualization is popular with many Fedora users and a key area of Fedora development, so this is another important test event. [...]